Last evening a friend and I kept sending each other SMS messages back and forth, cribbing about how things are (and I must admit I was doing more of the cribbing). This flurry of beeps on my phone stopped when I saw this very simple but powerful message from her. It was almost like I did not have any reason to say Ya but…you know…since there was no way I could have argued what she said to me and without making more of a song about it...I’ll quote her...
"Ok. Take Care. This Situation is not going to stay so for long.
My resolution is to be happy all the time. Not matter what!"
And it’s the last line that stole my heart and quite frankly made me SHUT UP. Since this was not coming from a person for whom the going had been great and was just pep talking me out of my bad mood. This came from a person for whom life has been really really tough in the last one year.
And I thought to myself – How difficult can this be? Well I wont kid myself and you and tell you that it’s a very easy principle to apply but I have decided to do one thing for sure and that is, each time in the future I find myself in a mucky…unpleasant situation… I will remind myself of this thought and do something to make myself happy. And not always will it work…but for as many times as it does…I’ll be a happy soul :)
I have tried putting this into practice since yesterday and believe me, based on the little experience I’ve had - if nothing else you’ll end up a more creative person thinking up ways to make yourself happy.
As they say it is the attitude that counts in life.our response to situations determines our circumstances. Happiness comes from within. enough of hackneyed expressions ! just be happy