Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What is your payoff?

You have been blogging for some months or for the few it could be years...or even if you have joined the bandwagon only recently...you would know that blogging is hard work. You could much rather be sitting on your couch watching tele or experiencing life...outdoor...but instead you sit for hours, glued to your PC, writing...reading....commenting....revisiting. There is surely something that really keeps you going...something that makes you want to wake up and perhaps check your blog first thing in the morning even before you have brushed your teeth!

Do you blog to engage with words...or...ideas?
Or perhaps you like to blog to engage with People
Or Maybe Technology
Or for some of us - even ourselves....

So what is your payoff?

Alright...I know and by now I am sure you have realised too that all this talk was just to get you (in) terested...to hook you in...and ask you one simple question (ok I know i'm making my blog sound like a seedy smoked filled room where people enter and get duped but what the heck) and that is....


Tell me why you blog....common tell yourself that too...If I hadnt asked this would you have taken time out to think about this...perhaps not...so out of the sheer goodness of your heart and some consideration for my time...leave a comment or send in a mail. Anonymous comments are welcome too provided there are not asking me to visit a website that will earn me money....

And for the 2 and a half loyal visitors who I have...I know who you are...so dont you escape by just reading my posts and running away...

And whenever i make money using ad sense I promise to give the best commenter some of that booty. So common be a sport....

And if you have forgotten the purpose of this post by now - which I have - scroll up - I wrote it in caps for precisely these forgetfull moments :)



  1. blogging lets me share experiences, stories, and quirks of my life... and i 'meet' amazing people who share insights of their own lives... it's a share share situation...

  2. A recent report which I read said that a blog is being considered as a status symbol. So should I say that I'm status conscious?
