Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Healer

He listens…compassionately
Reaches out
Touches people’s lives
A wandering nomad
He comforts
Those he finds around him
A sponge…
He absorbs negative energies from the universe
Offering in return
Strength and Solace

He listens…compassionately
And has forgotten how to speak

Reaches out…
Yet travels inwards

Touches people’s lives
But yearns to be touched

A wandering nomad
He comforts those he finds around him

Though is trying to find his way home

A sponge…
He absorbs negative energies from the universe

I wonder...whether he rids himself of those
And how he soaks in more

Offering in return… strength & solace
Though - what do you think keeps him from crumbling inside?


  1. OGod! This rings so true .... How does one ask for help if people think we dont need it???
    A beautiful poem .... so sensitive ....

  2. Aprt from the profound exposition, Love the way how it's structured.. very unique
